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Exploring Social Inequality in the 21st Century

"Exploring Social Inequality in the 21st Century" is a clear and critical overview of current debates about social inequality. It includes new information, tools, and approaches to conceptualising and measuring social stratification and social class, and informative case studies.

Exploring Social Inequality in the 21st Century
Book Title: Exploring Social Inequality in the 21st Century

Editors: Jennifer Jarman and Paul Lambert

In a world where the effects of inequality occupy an increasingly prominent place on the public agenda, this book provides up-to-date and thorough analysis from the perspective of a group of researchers at the forefront of social stratification analysis. Exploring Social Inequality in the 21st Century is a clear and critical overview of current debates about social inequality. It includes new information, tools, and approaches to conceptualising and measuring social stratification and social class, as well as informative case studies. Throughout, the researchers describe the direct and indirect costs of social inequality. 

Divided into two parts – Conceptualising and Measuring Inequality; and Costs and Consequences of Inequality in the areas of Education, Employment, and Global Wealth – it includes new findings about the growth of wealth inequality in the G20 countries, and a detailed examination of tax policies designed to reduce inequality without affecting economic growth. With substantial contributions to the analysis of inequalities in education, and explanations of the processes and consequences of social and gender-based exclusion, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding contemporary social inequality.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Social inequality and its consequences in the twenty-first century, Jennifer Jarman

1. Rethinking class analysis: some reflections on current issues and possible new forms of empirical research, Roger Penn  

2. A new international measure of social stratification, Cinzia Meraviglia, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom and Deborah De Luca  

3. How well can we predict educational outcomes? Examining the roles of cognitive ability and social position in educational attainment, Tim Morris, Danny Dorling and George Davey Smith 

4. Social stratification, secondary school tracking and university enrolment in Italy, Gabriele Ballarino and Nazareno Panichella  

5. Parental socioeconomic influences on filial educational outcomes in Scotland: patterns of school-level educational performance using administrative data , Christopher James Playford, Vernon Gayle, Roxanne Connelly and Susan Murray 

6. Do young people not in education, employment or training experience long-term occupational scarring? A longitudinal analysis over 20 years of follow-up, Kevin Ralston, Zhiqiang Feng, Dawn Everington and Chris Dibben

7. Social mobility, social network and subjective well-being in the UK, Yaojun Li 

8. Understanding gender inequality in employment and retirement, Robert M. Blackburn, Jennifer Jarman and Girts Racko  

9. Tax policy, social inequality and growth, Jonathon E. Leightner and Zhang Haiqi  

10. Trends in economic growth and levels of wealth inequality in G20 nations: 2001–2013, Jenny Chesters 

11. Spaces, places and states of mind… Eric Weissman

Exploring Social Inequality in the 21st Century is available from Routledge directly or through Amazon.
